Sunday, January 19, 2014

Seven Steps to a Happy Marriage

Most effective if done every day! :)

1. Say I love you with eye contact.

2. 5 Second kiss.

3. 10 Second expression of appreciation. (Phone call or in person,)

4. 15 Minute "Honey Do" (example: rub feet, go on a walk, change a light bulb, watch a show... preferably a positive activity that can be done together.)

5. 20 Second hug.

6. 25 Second written expression. (a short note, text or email, expressing positive emotions or gratitude.)

7. 30 Minutes of talk time. (A happy topic- no kids, chores, stresses etc. It helps if the topic is previously communicated.

See a pattern

#8 LAUGHTER,  joke, wrestle, flirt, tease, play, be silly have fun! :)

 #9 Stay active! Bike ride, garden, hike, tennis.

#10 Get interested in each others hobbies. :)

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